Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What does this be going to!!?

FSB its at the fall of all these...and which is best?

Pentium(R) D Processor 915 next to Dual Core Technology (2.8GHz, 800FSB)

Intel(R) CoreTM2 Duo Processor E4300 (1.8GHz, 800 FSB)

Intel(R) CoreTM2 Duo Processor E6300 (1.86GHz, 1066 FSB)

What does this be going to!!?

FSB = Front Side Bus. Larger number is better, that measures the speed with which the CPU interacts near the system memory if I remember right.
Intel(R) CoreTM2 Duo Processor E6300 (1.86GHz, 1066 FSB)

Is The best...
the bottom one is the best ... but honestly other things are more important when configuring a appliance unless u just max out everything ..
FSB is how hurriedly the motherboard process the info [i think]. however, your system memory, hard drive, VGA card, requirements to be at the same speed if not 1066 would still run at 800 FSB if other components are at 800 FSB. And you wasted your money.
Two words Wiki Pedia

Pentium(R) D Processor= Intel Core 2 Duo 915 next to Dual Core Technology 2.8GHz, 800FSB= Front side bus

This is the one I would go beside. Why? because it has the fastest CPU and it can multitask. Here is a pic of a mother board and adjectives it's parts. Look them up on wikipedia if you would like. The complex the numbers the better.

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