Friday, September 17, 2010

what is a disc Burner?

where on earth to buy a cd burner?

what is a disc Burner?

do you mean close to burning things onto a cd? well you buy a blank cd from your local store put it int your notebook and copy stuff onto it. like music, photos and stuff g'luck!
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it puts stuff onto a cd, approaching songs!
A CD-Burner is a drive where you can formulate Music CDs.

The best place to buy one isn't at Walmart. Maybe at Best buy? But, never buy the cheaper one. It always breaks.
constituent of your computer that allows you put songs onto a blank disc, songs that you download from a program like bearshare or itunes. i assume you can attain them at places like best buy or most places where on earth computers are sold.
a cd burner is a cd-rom drive that is powerful of putting information on to cds. it dosent just put music, it can put files on cds too. the laser contained by it makes it so that it merely dosent read, but write files onto the cd. and bestbuy is probably a good place to buy one and they're getting pretty cheap
it simply comes with your computer, i don't judge you csn sctuslly buy one
A cd burner, well burns a cd. Data is written to CD's, DVD's by burning holes next to a laser which is inside the burner. Because of this, standard CD's can be written/burned only once, make sense? Also there exists re-writeable CD/DVD's too, which you can burn over and over, upto 1000x is claimed.
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